Friday, 29 April 2011

Life's Paradox

I have always found myself struggling to answer few questions whenever I discuss about astrology, God and way to remain positive even amid darkness. Strangely I have been doing free counseling for lot of people around me or have taken from some of them but this is one question which everyone asks and i.e. “Is there anything in our hands or everything is already planned by Almighty?” There are many paradoxes when we try to answer such questions. If everything is planned then do we have the right to change our destiny through our karma? Do we have atleast some free-will to our existence? When we try to answer this through astrology, I have always got this response “You don’t get anything before time and more than destiny “. If timing is bad when solar system is not supporting you cannot achieve anything. If this is the case then why it is taught that human can change anything with their hard work.

Just to answer these questions I started to learn astrology, palmistry and numerology. At times I feel you name any branch of astrology and I have tried to understand each ones basic concept. Every branch of astrology is a science and based on some calculation. Like Tarot card reading is all about mind reading of the person. It based on the concept that it’s the psychology which builds the future. Our Vedic astrology is based on the planets and can be considered science which can be easily understood if we relate it to simple things .There are mythological stories related to describe about each planet/graha also. The best thing was I could co-relate with astronomy and understand each graha’s characteristics. Nature has been designed so beautifully that we just need to keep our eyes open. Who knows one of Newton is sitting amongst us and discovers another law of gravitational force. If we ask a small kid to describe Saturn, We would get few lines something as “Saturn is second planet and is sixth from the sun. Saturn has rings around it made of some ice particles. It is blue and black in color since it is surrounded by Helium and hydrogen gas”. Now with this information I can always say that Saturn will take more time to revolve around the sun and complete its revolution and since it’s away from the sun and so large in size, some part of it never sees sunshine for a long time while other part is hot because sun rays are falling on it from a long time. Even Saturn’s hindi name “Shani” means who moves slowly and considered Lord of Justice during our life time. Lord Saturn reminds us of the Judge wearing his long robes and encircled by several advocates dressed in black coats. In the courts the dispensation of Justice is a long and a tardy process. That is why, it is said In the Lord’s court, there may be delays, but the Justice is done. As per Hindu mythology he is the son of Lord Suryadev and Chhaya . Sun reign Light and chhaya(Sun’s wife) is the symbol of darkness. Somewhere it’s light and somewhere its darkness (crime).

When I have said so much on Lord Saturn, let me tell you why I took this planet only. Because He is considered to be hardest Lord to be appeased especially when one has offended him. It requires a lot of hard work and good deeds for him to bestow rewards on us. It is believed that Shani Deva has punished even the Gods, demons, sages and human including Guru Deva, due to their offences and bad deeds.

Actually, Saturn is kind of weird planet. It spends most of its time trying to convince you that it's really mean. And then at the end it hands you a big fat gift to make your dreams come true. It's hard to say, but it's helpful to remember Saturn's habit of turning out to be the good guy in the end. Old sayings like "it's always darkest before the dawn," and "every cloud has a silver lining" come in handy when dealing with Saturn. I can continue to write about his stories and how I can co-relate any appearance of him to nature but in gist It can be said “Saturn is the one who might be a slow mover and because of a lot of thinking process, Justice might be delayed but the Justice done is the true Justice and in the right perspective”.

After professing all about astrology, I am not the one to promote it especially because people have made it their business these days and many of them have not even understood it completely. Their calculations are far from comprehension of normal human being. All the predictions made by the astrologers are based on the level they have understood this science. This could be understood by simple fact i.e. Normally people try to match the kundali before people tie knot .How many of us know Ram and Sita had all 36 guna matched but still they had to face separation? If this is to be believed then marriages shouldn’t take place based on only guna matching. Even Ram and Sita life’s were full of sacrifices and trouble .All the deities’ human incarnation form had to go through struggle. If it had been planned why would they plan the struggle for themselves? This is like a riddle which we used to ask in our childhood which come first egg or hen? Shall we able to answer this riddle? I don’t know. Some answers should be left to the deity. But changing my life path as per astrologers’ wishes is somewhat tough for me as he may have miniscule knowledge So, I always believe trust your heart ,never leave your hard work and sometimes use astrology(be sure whom you consult) to our advantage. Even when creating the nature Almighty made Lion -the King of the Jungle still to eat the food he needs to pick the food and put it in his mouth.

Luck favors the brave. Nothing can replace the hard work and if we keep rubbing against the same stone again and again through the rope it will also leave its mark. And I believe that may be something can’t be changed but to some extent we can mould our destiny and obtain desired output as per our deeds. Said so much I would feel unsatisfied if I make castle in air. So let’s say if someone has a bad Moon in his chart, since Moon is a soft planet and related to mother .After knowing this if we talk nicely to our parents especially our mom and touching her feet before leaving the house rather than spending so much time and money on remedies asked by pandit, we would be able to mellow down malefic effect of Moon. May be that’s why it’s said knowledge is dangerous if not in right hands. Where atomic energy at one place is used to generate electricity, it could used to create bomb. People had same knowledge but deeds changed its purpose. Still I recommend that take the initiative, get in the middle of things, and do something for once for you. It doesn't matter what the output is but you won't be happy in life until you get out there and live it. If in doubt remember Luck favors the brave.

Friday, 22 April 2011

God is a comedian showing his talent in front of audience who are afraid to laugh

When people go through lot of low phase of their life people may opt to fight it or take a flight. Choice to move on their life with whatever mode they want will depend on the way they have grown up. People may try to totally avoid the situation or take head-on. Take for that matter Japanese people under adverse situation time again and again they maintain their calm. Maintaining a stoic image for public when internally one is emotionally is distressed. Is it good or bad? I don’t have an answer but figures project something else. Suicide cases are more in Japan. Japanese people are known as hard-working and peaceful people world-wide with no communal disputes, no fight over language, no strikes, No violence and at times no questions and therefore no answers. If this the case then time and again why Japan face the suicide epidemics. Country known for its talented people giving best of the technologies to the world, you name it they create it but still during 2007-2008 People in their thirties killed themselves at unprecedented rates. Government had to release White Paper on Counter-Suicide to curb suicide by 20% till 2017. After even tsunami, nuclear disaster people have a gone through a lot and how still they are being praised to maintain the composure, dignity and carrying with their live. How many of us wouldn’t like to cry when we saw a situation? I am sure many of us would have said yes.
Why go to Japanese culture even same is happening in India. All people around us including ourselves are living an artificial life. But When we this artificial self supersede real self. When our real emotional needs are not meant and we project everything is alright around us but under this covering layer there is a volcano which is no one else even we stop recognizing then such people take extreme steps. Then why is it so that we consider denial to be good and being stoic is worth applauding. Like a dark night a bad phase will also end and lead to bright morning. More the darkness around us brighter the day will be. Life goes through many phases, each of which ends to give way to another. If anyone fears anything just remember when we were kids and were trying to learn riding a bicycle and if we fall down. We might have cried for few seconds but our heart would tell us to pick the bicycle again. We wouldn’t have stopped until we have learnt to ride it. So, why do we now stop when we face few roadblocks in our path?  If we lived our life as it was our last day and don’t waste our time living someone else’s life trapped in dogma. When we follow our heart at each moment we live and I am sure we wouldn’t face so many suicide cases. Even if in the path of life we might meet some dead ends but why cannot we just turn back and move on with our life. When we learn to write as kids, an eraser is as much part of the learning -process as a pencil is. Write, consider, and if you make a mistake, erase it and write again! No harm done. Why can’t we make our life simple by taking it a nice beautiful stride? When we make mistake, stop, make amends and start all over again. How easy it would be if youngsters with failed dreams or marks less than what they desired realized that all it requires is just another try again! Nothing is worth ending your life over! Just wait, consider where you went wrong, think through and try again. So what if the one you loved to distraction walked out of your life? Why end your life while he enjoys his? Give another a chance to walk into the vacant space. Or is it true God is a comedian showing his talent in front of people who are afraid to laugh. Even we believe that everything is already written by God and then at least trust the ALMIGHTY and believe future will have something good in store for us. HE wouldn’t leave us alone. We may not realize it at that time, but later when we join the dots, it is clear how each ending paved the way for a new beginning, and so life moved on towards its destined goal, with us picking up new experiences and learning along the way.
And so, what's wrong with few bumpers in the ride?   The problem is that most of us get so mired in the moment and so attached to what surrounds us that a larger perspective becomes a problem. What is needed at that moment is a step away from the problem so that we can view it in the proper perspective. If a student depressed with his result, could just visualize his entire life and see himself years later in a successful career with a happy family and well cared-for parents, would the marks he has got at this moment matter at all?  Same goes for a business people and working class. If someone who has made a huge loss in business was able to step away from oneself and the moment, wouldn't he think again? Nothing if one look at it as a chance to improve oneself. And rather than regretting them, get on with the rest of your life! And where one dot symbolizes end of a sentence, two more mean continuity. Each ending gives us the opportunity for a new beginning. We just need to be strong enough to take it on!

Friday, 8 April 2011


It’s been ages I have got this urge to write something, something that convey my thought but still reflect on the things happening around. While searching for this something to write I thought on topics like Cricket- World Cup Win going in background, myself – too boring for other people, divorce rates in today’s society – who wants to hear the lecture when  already many people’s  life s**** on that front, Mahatma Gandhi‘s our icon – sexuality discovery to public through a book and its ban but this was a known truth from a long time  if we try to search Mahatma Gandhi and s** experiment on Google we will find a lot especially in UK magazine archives but still many things are not open for public discussion. So what is that for which I would be enthusiastic and wouldn’t bore the person reading it and would still be thought provoking. Ultimately I thought why I was choosing all such topics and realized we have come far from where we begin our life, like in a country like ours we were not even aware to whom we gave this position of Father of Nation – what was he actually like. The relationships we maintain in our life have also gone to new definitions our parents have become mom and dad, other have got their new jazzy names to suit our lifestyle. When I was a kid all the moral and ethical values imparted to me stand no importance in today’s society, rather it has changed so drastically that we are not even sure about our roles. Indian men may like to say that they will help their working wife with household activities but the fact is that they have not still outgrown their thought process of what women should be and how she is meant to behave. And I know on this many guys reading this would say that I live in some other planet, guys are behaving more maturely on this and more liberal in their thought process but still I think they have a far way to go. Even we girls are not at time sure about our roles are we home makers like yesteryears or we can pass this sole responsibility to guys. I don’t think we are all ready to understand our responsibilities and sex bias we all face all the times. Are we all hypocrites? Our hypocrisy couldn’t be more when from childhood parents want us to secure highest marks among our peers and 95% seems too less to them. But when we work day and night in jobs both parents and we seem dissatisfied for giving preference to work over ourselves or family. Isn’t they have inculcated in their kids to be part of rat race from childhood but they have forgot even if their kids are winner they will still be part of rat race. Does this mean being ambitious is wrong? I don’t think so. On that I would rather say if a person is content with whatever he is doing then how will he rise to next prosperous level and we wouldn’t have seen the growth we are seeing now but striking a balance between work and personal needs is more important. One should be encouraged to do things as one wants to do it. I guess it could be rightly put out the best way to deal with it is to be “content with life” even though “dissatisfied”, so long as one has the proper balance of pleasure, quantitatively and qualitatively. While mentioning all this, it just leads to the chaos created in one’s mind where one doesn’t know which sets of thoughts one should follow and which one are right? We are all searching answers. We are all living in a world where it’s all about marketing especially branding it in a nice package. If we have a look around us, we would understand how everything today is all about marketing. Face book during world cup was an example hundreds of update on everyone’s wall with just one ball miss and sixes within few seconds but with different style. People were just creating audacity. Were they telling that they are concerned about the team or they are watching the match or what? I feel my small mind couldn’t understand such big questions. Mark & Spencer will be launching new pants for guys after wearing that will make guys look more attractive as if the things available in market for gals were less or guys were feeling left out on that front. Guys and Gals both are plastic now days so when they start dating initially what have attracted to each other no longer stands good in day today life. May be once the attraction is gone and real person we are is open which is quite different from the artificial person we are, there comes a mismatch in expectation and has lead to so many divorcees and break-ups in present times. Divorce is now as much part of our society as is marriage rather more of s style statement. People always put their best foot forward whether technically by putting make-up on our faces, branded clothes we wear, cars we drive, houses we buy or literally using the make-up language they use to communicate. People are so much artificial these days that surreal self and real self is hard to be distinguished. So much negativism going down lets try to end this on positive note with realizing that every break –up in our relationships whether be it of boss or subordinate or of colleagues or any personal relationship like of mother –daughter going through lot of rough phases we land up becoming our spiritually cleansed person every time. Each experience forces us to ask ourselves a lot of questions and search our soul for the answers. We come out of it a more evolved and enriched human being. I know it’s important to go through entire gamut of emotions to appreciate beauty of life but I still hope atleast our future generation doesn’t land up in such messy situations where what they believe is not counter-attacked and they think that whatever they believed was so inaccurate and bullshit burden of the crap society on their shoulder to carry on and struggle within themselves to justify their actions. This is Hope against Hope but Hope is only thing that keeps us going and we try to create something better to pass on our future generations that they value the struggle we have faced and provide them a balanced society which is knit closely but provides space to individual to grow on their pace.