Saturday, 16 June 2012

My first connection with children

It seems yesterday only when I held a 3 hour old child in my hands for the first time
It seems yesterday only when I held a 3 months old most smiling in my lap
It seems yesterday only when I ran after 3 years old to see the giggle on your face
It seems yesterday only when I saw you taking admissions for the school
It seems yesterday only when we had fun out of nothing
But today I am praying that you come out with flying colour in your entrance exams
It seems yesterday only when stopping you from crying was a task
But today you have become one of my strength
Today is altogether different from our childhood but it has beauty of its own
I wish bonding we have, caring we show towards each other , love that lites our heart never ends


I am thankful to God for sending an angel in form of a cute buddy
I am thankful to you for standing by my side
I loved the part when we became friends
I liked the idiotic chats we had
I enjoyed being a child in front of you
I appreciate the way you honed my skills
I adore the never fadin smile on your face
I am fond of your versatile talents
I take joy in you being my friend.
Thanks buddy

Happy Father's Day

I don't remember when I became most important  person in your life
I don't remember when you scared me the most
I don't remember when I started looking up to you
I don't remember when I started to share things with you
I don't remember when you became my best buddy
I don't remember when you became my pillar of strength
I remember only that I am what I am because of you
I cherish you not only because you are my father but also the bond we share
I know only that I will always love you

Thanks for being the coolest but still a strict dad both at the same time

Love you paa