Saturday, 21 October 2017

Take last leg is most important leg to take

This blog is created while traveling alone to sweden. There has been times when this alone time gives me soul searching and today is one of them. we as humans have so much clustered in our mind that we forget to see the clearer picture in life. It stuck me when I was up in the air there was bright sun shining @ 8.30 pm CET also while from where I started it was raining heavily, everything surrounded by clouds. when you head towards your destination things will clear out for sure. but before doing so we need to have patience to go against the wind and stand tall. The view at top is so scenic that you will not regret any struggle in your journey. Your journey is your own adventure ride but some can be calculated risks like parasailing where probability of failure is .01%.. So take small steps where you want to head but keep moving ahead and you will build a new kind of confidence in yourself.