Friday, 18 December 2015

Love or Life for Real but every breath you take it ... you are live it

Kiara : Knock Knock
Asher : Kiara please this is no time to discuss anything

Kiara : I am not here to fight
Asher : Then what it is ?

Kiara : there is no point of discussion like this on the door
There is sign of the door unlocking . Kiara opens up the door of Asher room. She is shocked to see him struggling with all the packing stuff . Everything is lying on the floor nothing is inside the bag.

Kiara : (Looks at Asher with moist eyes.) Asher let me help you pack your stuff
Asher sighs !!! Thanks Kiara . You have been …

Kiara : Put her finger on his lips and says no time for this you have a flight to catch for Italy and we don’t have time

Asher : Thanks
Kiara and Asher both focus to pack his stuff in the suitcase and Asher as usual feels that he will be taken care. Kiara is disturbed and remembers the time when they first met. Kiara was looked at him why would she considers him as his black coffee.

She remembers the spark she saw when first time we touched, But I guess I was wrong because it turns out , It was just the Sun in my eyes, blinding me from seeing so clearly that you don’t love me
Did I said it aloud ? Are my heart sinking audible to Asher? Suddenly she remembers she has to take care of the packing of Asher.

Anothe0r 30 minutes passes of silence and all packing done. Asher tries to hug Kiara for one last time with heavy breath. The bubbles that never ends his life can be so serious. Was he imagining it because he was sad himself? But he doesn’t have time to worry. He has flight to catch. He moves to catch his flight

2 hour later he boards the plane for Italy, Asher is so tired and takes the nap .Asher just closes his eyes to remember the face of the Kiara. Was it seriously love? Kiara was like a mermaid who was on cloud nine always May be that’s why Asher was so madly attracted to her and once he wrote

Only you can call it love when in middle of crisis you can say the below
I feel alive when I am with you
Dancing in the rain in chilly winter
Singing on top of my pitch in public place
Doing all the forbidden things and reach the sky is the only limit...
Laughing my heart out every second set my mood
Walking past the roads to meet, greet you is just way of life

Every fight is just another chance to be together
You are the reason for every breath I take

 Once the breath and one breath was taken to say good byes and live moves on. Was it love or life for real whatever it was both lived their every breath in it to remember in future

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