Saturday, 21 October 2017

Take last leg is most important leg to take

This blog is created while traveling alone to sweden. There has been times when this alone time gives me soul searching and today is one of them. we as humans have so much clustered in our mind that we forget to see the clearer picture in life. It stuck me when I was up in the air there was bright sun shining @ 8.30 pm CET also while from where I started it was raining heavily, everything surrounded by clouds. when you head towards your destination things will clear out for sure. but before doing so we need to have patience to go against the wind and stand tall. The view at top is so scenic that you will not regret any struggle in your journey. Your journey is your own adventure ride but some can be calculated risks like parasailing where probability of failure is .01%.. So take small steps where you want to head but keep moving ahead and you will build a new kind of confidence in yourself.

Thursday, 24 August 2017

Twist from universe

While walking in the jungle of her thoughts on a dark alley , Kiara put a brake on her running shoes. She must have seen a ghost anyone could have guessed? She had just seen a dark catty eye cat crossing her path. She was trying to calm her mind without entering the memory lane . But memory lane is the alley you enter with realizing it. Suddenly,  she realized what her friend has told her 2 months back in coffee shop  cats are the spiritual creatures . They are God sent angel’s to show message from heaven to humans when they are lost. She took the walk to forgot about him only to be reminded about him. Taking universe’s clue ,she took the phone from her jacket . She dialled a  number from her address book

Kiara : Hi

Him : Hi. What happened ? Why are you panting ?

Kiara : I will explain you but first thank you to pick up the call

She started to explain what has just happened

Kiara with sigh  fumbling with her words I think ....(thinking what to say)

Him : We can’t live apart for long

Kiara : I agee

Him : Let’s catch up tomorrow at coffee shop @ 8 PM our favourite table

Kiara : See you tomorrow
P.S.:- This one was part of exercise on symbolic animal.
Wish people take decision based on emotions and real life will be so easy as writing as it

Friday, 4 August 2017

Mango fruity : Love : Understanding : Companionship

I could never nail why falling in love is so easy  after watching Shah Rukh Khan . Why all the women love him so much. Somewhere I have written a blog for about it but it doesn’t do the justice . With every bit of SRK in new movie there is part of me which wants to believe in love because of him. The honesty in his eyes just makes say awe, he must be loving the women  so madly. You believe the depth in his eyes. But aren’t other actors doing the same . Imagine somebody saying if I have given commitment, they will never break but does that attract any gal ? Lot of time when those lines are spoken apart from SRK you feel it’s coming from an ego state  not loving state. His earnest is most felt when a woman understands his emotions. Strangely somewhere I heard SRK mentioning that all love stories were beautiful because woman’s emotions were empowered . I couldn’t agree to him more , all love stories were from the standpoint of a woman . Woman who were fearless in matter of love be it simran , sejal , akira , Anjali . They might have some inner turmoil but they emotions can be felt . SRK is just there to understand them better . So nailing word of the romance that we all should be looking is understanding. Be it the guy or a gal we all are searching for somebody who understands us. Good amount of the both gender now a days are capable enough to  lead a single life easily . But what they are looking for , to be with somebody who can be understanding towards their journey. So, as a relationship coach when you stop looking for what others can give you but what you can give to them . You can be understanding of their journey , you will be attracting a companion for a life rather than somebody based on infatuation. Start to understand others by putting yourself in their shoes but that doesn’t mean that you to stick with wrong partner . You have to come from a loving space and let that love flow. But for all those things to happen you have first love yourself . Motto in life should be love should be essence of your being not an extension or mask you wear. Moment that happens everything in universe will fall in its place   I will be leaving this blog here and going to watch the depth of eyes of  love and will come back with review of Jab Harry met Sejal . Hope my mango fruity doesn’t disappoint me because after a long I feel like watching him. His eyes can stop my world without me thinking from my senses.

Tuesday, 25 July 2017

Unrequited Love : Not Really!!! Love Yourself And Let Divine Timing Show what's yours

Lot has been written about the unrequited love. Strangely even as a poetess and writer, I have written the stories , poem  to the same because it’s one of the most talked topic . What my search as a coach has brought me  bewildered my brain. Imagine we as soul choose whatever happens to us not from the thought  process we have from 3 years of childhood but we as soul choose our parents to inflict on us whatever is happening. Whatever our soul has to learn in this world , soul chooses the people which will give us those experiences in form of the parents we select. I knew that we conspire whatever good or bad happens to us. Lack of self-love and self- worth is the key reason for all the bad things that happens to us. But what blew my mind was we as soul choose our parents .The lesson we are here on the earth to experience can be achieved through the parents who will provide us the same .Our self-worth and how we will react is determined by the encounter we have been raised till the age of 5 years determine our future . if your parents criticised for every mistake so when you grow and face an challenge instead to handle yourself with love and learn from it , you will find yourself talking in demeaning manner about yourself. But if the universe has conspired us to face this , is there any way we can achieve the potential we have or we are struck with it once for all? If we are able to identify the pattern we have been following , why can’t we break it ? Isn’t not possible ? But if so then why so many people struggle ? If I go to astrology people will be able to find out about this during their Saturn coming between the age of 28 -32 and another cycle around 60 years .Saturn return is nothing but the time when the planet of judgement comes over the position which was their during the birth chart , time when you become mature as per astrology . Every 30 years Saturn provides an opportunity where your soul can be rebirth by purifying yourself. Purification process  for any precious thing be it  diamond or gold it takes it come from extreme pressure. So, for even the humans this process will not be easy. It will break your ego , you will embark on the journey where whatever you value might be taken away from you. You will be humble by the end of this process but will be trusting in this process. Why  I am mentioning about the astrology? Because the science which is considered a superstition , also mentions that human has the opportunity to grow and unlearn what he has been learnt to better ourselves. Now imagine you are just the true believer of actions and that everything is energy. Our experiences are nothing but whatever is present in our Vortex. I remember listening to Iyanla Vanzant where she mentions that there was a time when there was huge cake and other kids could have as many pieces as they liked  but still she thought she never deserves the cake so  she never received it. That was one example of it. Everything is within your vortex nothing can be taken away from you. If you thing grieve will surround you when a lover is gone . Please be precise why are you grieving ? Is it the love that he/she showered on you is lost ? Then don’t be he/she could only shower the love which you have within your vortex for yourself. What is yours can’t be taken away from you. If you are the charming person you will attract the other charming people in your life may be having the intent in their heart for you. Nobody in life gives you more than you think you deserve. Only thing that might have irritated you about the partner is the thing which needs to be improved upon. You don’t meet people by chance . You meet them either for a reason, season or lifetime. Your lover who path breaks apart are those who meet you for a reason. Reason being to groom your nature. It’s an opportunity to enhance yourself. Bless that person and move on. If they are meant to be there in your life , they will come back . if not, your energies will attract someone better. Whether the interaction was good or bad but it leads to improve yourself so be it . If that person has cheated on you, bless them because how lucky you are because of them you can realize what your current vortex might be attracting.

Rendezvous you are going to have with next partner who comes for a lifetime will not have any fear of you losing them since your focus will be on how we can make a better life. But yes if you keep focusing on I don’t want them to cheat on me , lie to me . You are sending the message to them and universe that builds up only the negative vortex focusing on cheating and lying. If your vortex is filled of such emotions instead of love, you will attract people who will cheat , lie and you will be an loop. After so many encounters you will either lose your worth or lose hope. Both is not required what is required is writing qualities about the person whom you want to attract. Write how you feel  but a word of caution if you think about being dependent on other person , you will attract somebody you will not treat you right because you are looking for comfort others. Affirmations have positive message like “Me and my partner both feel liking coming to home , sharing our life “ .Everything will unravel in its divine timing . Trust the divine timing. I had started this blog way back when I read You Can Heal your Life - Louise L. Hay in June end. I couldn’t find words to describe my feelings on the topic, something would be missing. Strangely when a saw rainbow I was sure something positive is on its way. And this message needs to be passed on the people

Friday, 23 June 2017

Energies : Universe works on the vibrations we sent to it

Somebody way back told me that we are energy bodies. The vibrations we sent it to universe is what we get back . Someone said what we seek is seeking us . We are not just the physical bodies we are the energy bodies ,if you are able to talk to somebody your and their energy bodies are at same level. These phrases were spoken to me way back in 2012. May be my mind was immature for such profound information at that time. But destiny had its sweet way to explain this to me. Some people learn it when other explain but I believe me I am one of those who learn it from my own mistakes. I shouldn’t be cribbing about it since I am still on my journey to learn which is must for the growth. The demonstration of this was achieved when I was suffering from strange wisdom toothache that my ear, head and everything on right side was aching , one of my friends gave me the hand of Fatima bracelet. Such was the omen and timing of the bracelet that may be the vibrations I was sending to the universe was of a weak soul that the energies of Fatima of patience was really required. The person who said about the vibrations had also mentioned to me all the stones etc we wear should be worn for specified time. When it has achieve its purpose either the stone will be lost or broken . You don’t have to alarmed about it but rather feel the purpose has been fulfilled . But I didn’t remembered the same line when my bracelet was broken without any purpose. So was my alarmed mind that I had ordered the another Fatima hand immediately but destiny is bigger than what we thought the distributor tried to send the amulet twice even when address was right it wasn’t delivered and  even after dedicated persuasion for 2 weeks we weren’t able to track it.  Finally my money was returned. That was turning point when I went back to my friend to get answers why all this occurred . But before writing an article I dig deep into this theory . It was similar to the fact that if I was vibrating at same frequency of the coffee I would have attracted cup of coffee in my life at that moment. If you are vibrating the energy of the person whom you haven’t met for a long time , you will strangely find that these people will contact you randomly either through an electronic/digital medium or catchup randomly . So the people you meet in your life always come for a reason and when some of the people reasons have been met they leave your life . Instead to get hooked up or attached you should let me go and realize the lesson they have shared with us. A man is only animal who can learn and grow but  require lot of support .You can leave dog and if he is given food he can survive while for the human he requires lot of love ,sometimes his ego needs to be fed.  If that is the case let us utilize your thinking ability to grow each day rather than pondering why me ? Learn to ask the right questions from the universe and universe will help you survive . if you ask whose fault is it ? You will get the answer but even in friendship it is a two-way street and both people are equally involved.Its both people fault and not an individual. You will get that answer even when you ask what is universe trying to teach me ? How to get better from here . Life is a journey and where we are learning each moment . Your attitude will decide how you perceive life . With time you will be sending the positive vibes, vibrations, gut whatever you want to call but whatever energies we send to universe we will get the same in the return not from lips but we feel /think at subconscious level.

Tuesday, 6 June 2017

Two Right Met at Wrong Time : Meant Being Incompatible

As a previously a relationship coach I come across lot of stories which gives me an opportunity to learn about human behaviour .Stories are the most powerful way to pass on the messages.  I wanted to share this story because this is one of the reasons why people aren’t able to maintain the relationship .This have 2 people Numi ,worldy wise but obsessed about his needs  and Tota who again is worldy wise but have been a phoenix rising from its ashes after every failure. This story started because Numi showed interest in Tota. Numi was handsome guy but he was a philosopher like Rumi missing the understanding of human emotions.  Tota being a gal who was talkative and more of friend in need kinds thought Numi to be the same. Both showed their interests with thought process of long term future but we forgot Numi never had been a long term relationship but more of friend with benefits and not continuing them beyond few months that too with multi-national gals to avoid the question of the marriage . Moment it popped up relationship was doomed for failure.  While our Tota was so different she believed in the relationships for long term but have been cheated on early on. Both has unresolved issues in their life that they forgot to deal with while trying to build the castle of their dreams. Numi could  not be held responsible for anything in his life while Tota had been troubled so much that she used to take everything to her heart and felt responsible for other fault as well. But why ? is the question. How this relationship was doomed to fail from start . The spark of the relationship was gone the moment anxious tota was always looking for reassurance in the relationship while Numi being the avoidance cater was dreading from the same   and he wasn’t able to take the seriousness of the relationship. Being the peaceful temperament and in childhood being ignored for his needs he had adopted the avoidance strategy to deal in the relationships. He had learnt to numb his emotions while Tota has learnt to be vocal about her emotions and could express them easily even when emotions run high. But what she couldn’t take was Numi lying even though she was sure that he is not cheating on tota  by meeting his friend but need to hide arouse because she questioned him. One difficult conversation they both showed their weak side. Only learning I could suggest was to atleast move out of this for the time being . Work on yourself . Change the vibrations you are working on. This anxiety behavior of tota where everytime she looked for care from her guardian they had left her to the world to take care of tota ,she was paranoid if this was because she did  something wrong and she had developed what we term it as anxiety in all her relationship . Were they to be blamed ? I don’t think so . They may be two right individual meeting at the wrong time where they were dealing from fear rather than love . They both are individuals on their journey to discover the pattern they have formed in the relationships and to break free them else this will be repeated again and again in their life even if they get married they would have faced this issue. Path to improve themselves if they learn is the beginning of bringing the right peaceful vibrations in the relationship

Will keep you posted  whether they  changed their  vibrations on path to build a beautiful relationship or either of them progressed in life

Sunday, 28 May 2017

We were meant to be

You were the one who taught me the meaning of the friendship
You were the one who taught me the meaning of caring
You were the one who taught me the meaning of sharing
You were the one who taught me the meaning of keeping faith in God
You were the one who taught me the meaning of living the life
You were the one who taught me the meaning of calm in chaos

May be that’s why I like being around you
May be that’s why I find your way in all troubles
May be that’s why I search for you
May be that’s why I belong to you

We were every percent true to the heart
We were every inch growing fonder of each other

We were meant to be

Friday, 3 March 2017

Let’s dance to celebrate womanhood

Today while writing on and for women I am thinking what else to write which hasn’t been written through either Womanhood redefined in 2014”    and “Black Pearl”.  But suddenly I watched the video of the Aditi rao. Something about the music and the way she dances on the beat she touched me a lot

Among all the madness of the world around me just subsided for those 3 minutes and 24  seconds while  how she handles why talk about the past ?

 The way she describes it is so well that we women dwell too much on past, history, mistakes, regrets and . We keep on  playing the  bygone again and again in our head like movie on loop .

When she says that I have decided to be a product of what is written and talked about. I have the power to  choose to be who I want to be it just hits my mind and soul that I feel like hugging her for being the woman she is. She has put her message that why should anybody ‘s story be written in past when we are still in the process of becoming

I want really to pass this message this on Woman’s day . I want to celebrate this woman’s day by celebrating the womanhood . I want to celebrate the day by celebrating me. This blog just one medium to request all the other women to do so. I feel so light today that  I feel like dancing to the song being played in the background

I always say that relationship we have with the people around us defines but strangely I have forgotten to articulate in any of the earlier blogs that if we have to learn to love ourselves. No bad relationship can define you unless you let define you. I want to say today like before selecting the chair we go through the process of  picking and choosing it why can’t we be selfish enough for the people who enter our inner circle. Weak people will keep on giving you logic about why your chosen path is not right but you have to learn to move past them.  You will might meet some coward who don’t have the courage to speak their mind or even truth . You will meet some worthless girls who might want to snatch your men. But trust me if he was yours you don’t have to fight for him . He wasn’t yours end of story . If he was yours you would be spending the time on the shores of the sea still not able to hear any of voice apart from the heartbeart of you both. Also some of those worthless immature girls  might be married and still not satisfied in their marriage. But girl was meant to be like that. Why bother? Look your life is not dependent on those people because trust me best revenge you can take with both such characters is let them be together and without your presence they will look for another drama in their lives. Learn to walk away. Relationships happen when you both have desire to stick together through thick and thins. If they had to be together either of them will not look outside their own relationship.

Your journey is dependent on people who will love you unconditionally. Was Alia bothered about kunal in Dear Zindagi ? She learnt even for her career she never needed him. Trust the Almighty he has written a beautiful story for you.  Alia surrounded herself with people who could see her inner beauty. Remember these some mean people are helping you define the black pearl of yours .Full Stop. You are in the process of making not many people can be strong enough to take life head on.

Learn to love yourself . Give yourself respect. People will be bad and mean,  you have to be polite and smart enough to learn to give yourself the dignity of being the woman. You can’t expect strength from weak people . You have to be the woman who knows that she is in the process of defining her destiny. Women who gives  love, care and respect freely. Alia was surrounded by right people when she resolved her inner conflicts . This woman day promise to resolve your own inner conflict and move further in life. When pain inflicted upon yourself by the society or your thought process you  have to learn to move further after learning the lesson.  

At the end I will only say let’s dance to celebrate womanhood and ourselves

Woman let yourself be  submerged  in the dance of your own inner beauty

Woman let yourself be guided by the your smile of shine

Woman let yourself be one who is saluted for her demeanour

Woman let yourself be one who is ray of hope to mankind

Woman let yourself be one who is respected for intelligence

Woman let yourself be one who is brilliance can’t be robed

Woman let yourself be one who is walks her talk

Woman let yourself be one who is caring yet not fragile

Woman let yourself be one who is trusting yet not naive

Woman let yourself be one who is source of inspiration for generation to come

Wednesday, 1 February 2017

Darwin’s Delay – Unprecedented wait

When I first heard about the Darwin’s Delay theory I couldn’t believe my eyes when reading the article Darwin’s Delay and the guy who gave the theory of the survival of the fittest had the fear. It was mentioned that he couldn’t publish his theory until situation called for it for 20 years.  He had the fear was released through the dream analysis in which ‘a person was hung & came to life’ as not about a third person, as Darwin recorded in his notebook, but actually, in a Freudian sense, about Darwin himself because of his ‘fear of dire punishment for thinking’ by Geuter. Somehow this fact was hided from common people for long time  saying he was patient data collector. But whatever has been said I Still believe  if Charles hadn’t gone the fear himself how would we have the fear has a biological basis, when he noted that nearly all animals exhibit fear in the same manner. How the Fear conditioning happens. If you don’t agree fear of unknown and how people will behave on his theory. I felt  like saying this to him“Duniya to kehti hai, kehti reh jaayegiKhud jo na samjhegi, tumko samjhayegi”

World would have known the what we know today if he had been brave enough  If somebody has understand how people react to unknown we can understand it through the short story of “The Dancing Fool” of Zog –A flying saucer creature named Zog arrived on Earth to explain how wars could be prevented and how cancer could be cured. He brought the information from Margo, a planet where the natives conversed by means of farts and tap dancing.Zog landed at night in Connectitut. He had no sooner touched down than he saw a house on fire. He rushed into the house, farting and tap dancing, warning the people about the terrible danger they were in. The head of the house brained Zog with a golf club. But does that mean that we should leave something because we are fearful of the what our peers will say. If this was the case we might not had the famous theories given by Charles himself. He wouldn’t have been who he was so sometimes we might have the fear of vast opposition especially in our environment be it office, home when we stand for what we believe in and against the set society’s norm. So, do you want to miss the chance of being the next Charles ‘s . But I will profess anybody to enter the land of unknowns without much calculated risks like climbing of the mountains. Let’s assume we want to part of the herd even though we have the capability to do that. I know fear can weakens and paralyzes us but if we had a to die , do you want to die with a heavy heart that you could have achieved more but couldn’t do so. It will be too late, whenever you are in doubt what to do  just remember if this is the last day of your life how will you react ? Do you want to be remembered as person who did what was right for him . It’s not only for the work we do, this is for the relationship this Gen- Z is going through as well. For instant gratification half of the people are in relationships, marriage in which they don’t understand the emotionally and mental space the other person is in. I am not saying them to wait but if you don’t try chairs you will not be sure which one to buy but don’t choose the chair which doesn’t fight your personality to be part of liking the popular . Strangely they have constipation even when they love somebody they can’t express it easilyFor relationships I believe in one fundaRishto woh rishta hai jisme bandhan na hoDil mein tammana ho warna dhadkan na ho This in simple language just means that we might have some fears of being left alone but trust me the best relationships are those which are based on the heart but there is no restriction. You connect because you both want not because it’s age, it’s your parent want or somebody else is getting married etc or any lame excuse . Moment we learn to do what we want to do with full heart we will not be worried about society , people around us be it daily life hassles . This society as mentioned earlier will keep on saying and teaching you things even which they can’t follow. Learn to love yourself and stop procrastination since world is waiting for the another Darwin theory not the Darwin’s Delay