Sunday 22 March 2020

How to get best out of Quarantine period

Suddenly we have got so much time with ourselves or immediate family. What we can do in these times when there will be lot of time .I will just share how I am doing it . You can use it as example to utilise your time

  • I have stopped reading the news on Co-19 
  • I have started to use the 15 min in the start of the day with meditation or some positive group 
  • 15 min of yoga using Down Dog many companies are giving the free subscription till June or July to stay mentally strong 
  • Also I have tried to hone my skill be it drawing or the writing or whatever so that like language you wanted to pick up
  • Lot of people are organizing webinar free of cost . I have joined few courses myself . So saturday and Sunday I am focused on cooking and joining free webinars apart from the things mentioned

Change your focus to change the result you get  

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